he/him 16 demirose
mex/white infj aquarius

< June, CJ, Zet, Lem, PJ, Con, Amb 3

📎 rentry discord

Grapes - James Marriott

Criteria !

BYI ! I don't support endos, good faiths or irls, I'm a D.I.D sys w/ limited amnesia, I <3 HOMESTUCK dni homestuck haters, I tend to change my name a lot, + I have a wife and 20++ kids.
DNI ! basic DNI crit, ronnie /dir, fujoshis, fetishist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, transphobic, nazi, map, pedo, support Israel, wilbur soot fans ++ endo systems


I like: Homestuck, FNAF, Ghost Band, pepsicola, johndirk, vrisrezi, rosemary, psychological horror, CRK, Hello Neighbor, BATIM, Total Drama